I actively look forward to new adventures, even if they are outside my comfort zone.

I love having new adventures!

They bring excitement, lessons, new skills, and passion to my life. Even if the adventure includes going outside of my comfort zone, I am most willing to give it a shot.

Who knows? I may find something new to enjoy! Sometimes I feel like a wide-eyed kid in a toy store for the first time. So many new things to see and do! Only now I am grown and the world is my toy store.

My main question is: How do I choose what to try out first?

Life is just too short to stand on the sidelines and let it pass me by.

Life isn’t a spectator sport.

I want to be where the action is! 

After all, I only get one shot at this, so I want to make every moment count. One way I accomplish this is by pursuing new adventures. I know that embracing new adventures also means going outside of my comfort zone from time to time, and

I look forward to this. I also realize that, while it may be scary, going outside of my comfort zone can also bring great rewards.

Delving into totally unfamiliar territories expands my limits. In the process, I learn new skills, meet new friends, discover new talents, and ignite new passions.

Even if I do not have the time or money to travel often, I can find new adventures right in my own backyard.

Anything different can be an adventure. I can try a new restaurant, take a class to learn a new skill, or even build a new business.

Today, I choose to actively seek new adventures, do something I have never done before, and relish every moment of it.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How much time do I spend just sitting and watching life pass my by?

2. Do I seek new adventures, including those outside of my comfort zone?

3. What can I try for my next adventure?